Find out the latest news on Big Mountain as well as Casting Calls and Crew Calls
Big Mountain is an innovative and exciting television production company delivering a diverse range of content for a range of major broadcasters.
Key to our success is the delivery of Irish language programmes for BBC NI, TG 4 and RTE.
We are currently seeking to fill the following roles for a forthcoming Factual Entertainment Irish language series.
• Experienced Series Producer
• Experienced Production Coordinators
• Experienced Assistant Producers
• Experienced Editors
Applicants for the SP role must be available from w/c August 17th to w/c December 21st 2020
Applicants for the PC roles must be available from early August to early November 2020
Applicants for the AP role must be available from late July/early August to end of September 2020
Applicants for the Editor roles must be available from mid/late September to mid December 2020
Please send your CV and a short personal statement to Helen.t@bigmountainproductions.com Please clearly identify the role you are applying for on the subject line of the email.
Closing date: July 31st
CASTING CALL - *Irish Speakers Only*
Do you think your pet is the best or cutest in the world?
Are you curious about your pet’s behaviour?
Or do you have any questions about your pet’s welfare and health?
Big Mountain Productions are looking for people and their pets to take part in a brand new Irish-language television series and we need a wide range of pets to take part! If you are interested in getting involved or finding out more information about the show, please get in touch with us on pets@bigmountainproductions.com ASAP!
An síleann tú go bhfuil an peataí is fearr nó gleoite sa domhain agat?
An bhfuil tú fiosrach faoi iompar an pheata?
Nó an bhfuil ceist sláintiúla agat faoi do chara is fearr?
Tá Big Mountain Productions ag lorg daoine agus a gcuid peataí fá choinne sraith úr teilifíse agus tá reimse leathán de peataí de dhith orainn! Má tá suim agaibh páirt a ghlacadh nó chun níos mó eolais a fháíl, bígí i dteagmháil linn ar pets@bigmountainproductions.com anois!
Want to join our team?
Trainee Assistant Producer
Big Mountain is seeking applications from fluent Irish speakers with at least one year’s experience in television production for a position as Trainee Assistant Producer. This position will be part supported by Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund.
This full-time training position (September 2019 - September 2020) will be based at Big Mountain and the trainee will develop their skills in all areas of production whilst working across a range of content. The position may be extended to a second year on successful completion of the scheme.
Trainees must have fluent Irish and at least one year of practical experience in television production.
Ideally the candidate should have a third level qualification in one of the following disciplines: Irish, Media Studies, Accounting, Business Studies, Law.
This is a great opportunity to join an industry which holds excellent employment prospects.
Salary: £18,000
To apply, please send a CV and cover letter in Irish and English outlining how you meet the criteria and why you want the position, via post or email info@bigmountainproductions.com.
Please note that you will receive a receipt for your application.
Application deadline: Wed 7th Aug
Please note that interviews will be held on 20/8/19 at Big Mountain Productions, Mjm Building, Carnbane Industrial Estate, BT35 6QH
For further information and/or to apply please contact:
Helen Thompson
Tel: 07711772810
Email: helencthompsontv@gmail.com
Post Mar Léiritheoir Cúnta Faoi Oiliúint Ar Fáil
Tá Big Mountain ag cuardach iarratais ó dhaoine le Gaeilge líofa, le, ar a laghad, taithí bliana faighte acu i leiriúcháin teilifíse don phost mar Léiritheoir Cúnta Faoi Oiliúint. Is deis é seo lena dtacaíonn an Ciste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge de chuid Scáileán Thuaisceart Éireann.
Post oiliúna lán-aimseartha a bhéas ann (Meán Fómhair 2019 - Meán Fómhair 2020) lonnaithe ag Big Mountain
agus beidh deis ag an oiliúnaí a scileanna a fhorbairt in achan ghné de leiriúchán agus iad ag obair ar réimse leathan d’ábhar. Má thagann críoch rathúil leis an scéim bliana tá an féidearthacht ann go mbeidh síneadh bliana curtha leis.
Ní mór d'iarratasóirí Gaeilge líofa a bheith acu agus ar a laghad bliain de thaithí phraiticiúil acu ag obair i léiriúcháin teilifíse.
Tabharfar tosaíocht don té a bhfuil cáilíocht tríú leibhéal acu sna disciplíní seo a leanas: Gaeilge, Staidéar ar na Meáin, Cuntasaíocht, Staidéar Gnó, Dlí.
Is deis fostaíochta iontach é seo le bheith mar pháirt d’earnáil le neart ionchais fostaíochta.
Tuarastal: £18,000.
Le hiarratas a dhéanamh seol CV agus litir chlúdaigh trí Ghaeilge agus Béarla ag míniú an dóigh a shásaíonn tú na critéir agus an fáth ar mhaith leat an post. Seol le ríomhphost nó sa phost é: info@bigmountainproductions.com.
Mar eolas, gheobhaidh tú admháil go bhfuarthas d’iarratas.
Spriocdháta: Céadaoin 7ú Lúnasa
Mar eolas, beidh na hagallaimh ar siúl ar an 20/8/19 ag Big Mountain Productions, Mjm Building, Carnbane Industrial Estate, BT35 6QH.
I gcomhair tuilleadh eolais agus/nó le hiarratas a chuir isteach téigh i dteagmháil le:
Helen Thompson
Fón: 07711772810
Ríomhphost: helencthompsontv@gmail.com